Woman wearing a black bra with her back turned towards the camera showing the bra clasps and back straps.

Understanding an Asymmetrical Body: Everything You Need to Know

As human beings, it's only natural to strive for perfection in every aspect of our lives. But when it comes to our bodies, perfection is quite an unrealistic goal. It's important to remember that it's only natural to have some degree of asymmetry in our bodies. 

From our faces to our limbs, asymmetry is a characteristic that makes each of us unique and is a natural part of the human anatomy. In this blog, we'll explore the different types of asymmetries and what you should know about them.

What is Asymmetry?

Asymmetry is defined as a lack of balance or symmetry in shape, form, or arrangement. It can be found in everything from our faces to our bodies and is a natural part of the human anatomy. In fact, very few people have perfectly symmetrical features.

Body symmetry, or bilateral symmetry, in which the left and right sides of the body are mirror images of each other when divided into equal halves, is often idealized in various cultures. However, this perfect symmetry is rarely achieved in nature, and deviations are completely normal.

It's not just the external features of the body that can be asymmetrical; internal organs can also exhibit asymmetry. For example, the heart is typically located slightly to the left side of the chest, and the liver is predominantly on the right side of the body. These natural variations in the placement and size of internal organs are another example of how asymmetry is a normal part of human anatomy.

So, it is nothing to feel embarrassed or concerned about. For the most part, it is barely noticeable in most people. However, when it is perceived as obvious or noticeable, we tend to focus on them.

Types of Asymmetries in the Human Body

There are two main types of asymmetries. They are structural and functional asymmetries.

Structural Asymmetry

Structural asymmetry refers to differences in the shape or size of different parts of the body. This type of asymmetry can be seen in the face, body, and limbs. For example, one ear may be slightly larger than the other, or one shoulder may be slightly higher than the other. Structural asymmetries can be caused by various factors, including genetics, developmental issues, injury or environmental factors like nutrition.

Functional Asymmetry

Functional asymmetry refers to differences in the way different parts of the body function. This type of asymmetry can be seen in the way we walk, run, or perform other movements. For example, one leg may appear slightly longer than the other while you walk, or one arm may be stronger than the other.

Like structural asymmetry, functional asymmetries can also be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, age, muscle imbalances or injury. However, it could also occur naturally without a medically-explainable reason.

What is Body Asymmetry?

Body asymmetry is a form of structural asymmetry. It is when any part of any side of the body (the left or right side) doesn’t match the other in terms of size or shape.

It’s very common, and most people have some degree of asymmetry, even if it’s not noticeable. Meanwhile, it is estimated that up to 25% of the world population has noticeable asymmetries. 

Types of Body Asymmetry

There are different types of body asymmetry, and they all vary in degree and severity. Here are some of the most common types of body asymmetry: 

  • Facial Asymmetry

Facial asymmetry refers to the unequal distribution of features on either side of the face. It is a common and natural occurrence and can range from being barely noticeable to having a significant impact on a person's appearance and self-esteem. Despite cultural ideals that prioritize perfect symmetry, it is important to remember that perfect facial symmetry is rare and close to nonexistent.

Facial asymmetry can be caused by genetic factors, injury, and disease. In some cases, it can also result from cosmetic procedures or surgeries. In most instances, facial asymmetry is harmless and does not interfere with a person's daily life. However, in some cases, it can cause functional problems, such as vision, speech, or chewing difficulties.

There are several treatments available for facial asymmetry, including cosmetic procedures such as dermal fillers, Botox injections, and facial surgery. However, this should only be sought after careful consideration. 

  • Breast Asymmetry

Breast asymmetry refers to the difference in size, shape, and position of the breasts. Like facial asymmetry, it is a common occurrence and can range from being barely noticeable to quite obvious. Breast asymmetry, also known as uneven breasts, can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, injury, and disease. At the same time, it might be without a medical cause.

It is important to note that breast asymmetry is a natural part of human variation and is not necessarily an indicator of a health issue. However, in some cases, breast asymmetry can cause functional problems, such as discomfort and difficulty finding clothing that fits properly. Additionally, it can also impact a person's self-esteem and body image.

There are several treatments available for breast asymmetry, including breast augmentation, breast reduction, and lift surgery. However, it is important to understand that these procedures come with risks and should only be considered after careful consideration and consultation with a qualified medical professional. Alternatively, you could also choose to wear asymmetrical breast bras to enhance your symmetry. 

Symmetrista’s revolutionary bras for unique breasts

  • Limb Asymmetry

Limb asymmetry refers to the difference in the length or shape of the arms or legs. It is a common occurrence and affects people of all ages and backgrounds. In some cases, limb asymmetry may be barely noticeable, while in others, it can cause significant functional and aesthetic issues.

For example, one leg might be slightly longer than the other, or one foot may be larger or differently shaped than the other. These differences can impact gait, posture, and overall balance.

Limb asymmetry can have a variety of causes, including congenital conditions, developmental disorders, injury, disease, and even lifestyle factors such as prolonged use of crutches or a limp. In some cases, the cause of limb asymmetry may be unknown.

The treatment of limb asymmetry varies depending on the cause and severity of the condition. In some cases, simple modifications to footwear or the use of orthopedic devices may be enough to alleviate discomfort and improve function. In more severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.

  • Postural Asymmetry

Postural asymmetry refers to an imbalance in the alignment of the body, resulting in an uneven distribution of weight and a tilt in the body's centre of gravity. It is a common condition that can develop due to a variety of factors, including injury, disease, and lifestyle habits.

Aside from the aesthetical issues, postural asymmetry can impact your physical health and contribute to the development of chronic conditions, such as back pain, arthritis, and joint degradation. Additionally, postural asymmetry can come with and increased risk of falls and injury, especially in older adults. 

Treating postural asymmetry typically involves addressing the underlying cause of the condition and restoring balance to the human body. Treatment options may include physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, and exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and posture. In some cases, orthopaedic devices, such as braces or orthotics, may be recommended to support the body and promote better alignment and position.


Body asymmetry is a common and natural occurrence that adds to our uniqueness. Whether it's facial, breast, or limb asymmetry, it's important to remember that these differences are a normal part of the human form and shouldn't be a source of embarrassment or concern.

However, in cases where the asymmetry is causing functional and aesthetic issues, there are treatments available to correct them. Remember, it's always best to consult with a qualified medical professional before making any decisions about treatment. And if it’s for cases like breast asymmetry, bras designed specifically for people with uneven breasts might be a better option as it involves no bodily risk. 

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