Is your underwear drawer overflowing with bras you never wear? Or do you want to get more bras but are on a budget?
We get it.
When shopping for bras, you may get overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices. There are different styles for different functions, from sports bras to bandeau bras, and that’s before you even get into sizing.
While you may want enough bra variety, you also don’t want to overspend and get stuck with bras that’ll only end up collecting dust in your drawer.
Naturally, you may ask yourself, “How many bras should I own?” How many is too many? Well, let’s break it down together.
How Many Bras are You Supposed to Have?
We wish we could give you a magic number and end it at that. That would’ve been simple right? But unfortunately, the answer is slightly more complicated.
Depending on whom you ask, you’ll hear varying opinions, from zero bras up to a hundred even, if not more. The truth is, that the number of bras you own is subjective and unique to you. It will depend on several factors, which we’ll get into later in the article.
But even for a minimalist bra drawer, we recommend having at least three everyday bras.
This is according to the three-bra rule, which indicates you should have one bra you’re wearing while one is in the laundry and another bra in the drawer for rotation. This way, you give your bras a rest between wears to avoid wearing them out faster.
This number could increase or decrease based on your bra needs and preferences. For example, if you’re sporty or love working out regularly, sports bras should be a staple in your bra collection—on top of your everyday bras, of course.
But if you’re not a fan of bras, you may prefer having the same bra that you wear on rare occasions. So, it’s really about you.

Why Do The Number of Bras You Own Matter?
Whether you’re trying to adopt a more minimalist wardrobe or love having variety, the right number of bras can simplify your life and save you money in the long run. But there are some upsides and downsides to owning too many or too few bras.
You could own hundreds of bras if you can afford it and have the space for it all. After all, who can resist a great bra? Besides, the more bras you have, the more options you have to choose from.
Plus, you prevent early stretching and premature wear and tear by having enough bras on rotation. As a result, you end up saving on the cost of constantly having to replace your bras.
The downside, however, is that it’ll be hard to keep track of too many bras. Also, let's be honest, will you really wear all one hundred bras in your closet? Probably not, and that’ll just be a waste of money.
Let’s not even get into the struggle of finding space for all of those bras.
That’s why having fewer bras can also be better. A smaller number will be easier to store. By buying fewer bras, you can also focus on buying the best quality brands.
But let’s also keep in mind that fewer bras means less variety and more frequent handwashing to maintain the bras longer.
So, the trick is to find just the right number to fulfill your bra needs. You want to have enough bras on rotation while still getting the most use out of each bra. Also, check out our tips on how to care for your bra properly, to minimize how often you need to buy a new bra.
What Determines How Many Bras You Should Own?
To know exactly how many bras you need, you must understand your bra needs. The following factors can help you better understand these needs:
Breast Size
Your breast size dictates how quickly your bras will get worn out.
If you have larger breasts, you may have noticed that your bras get stretched out fast, especially your everyday bra.
Of course, this will also be affected by the quality of the bra, but as a rule of thumb, larger breasts carry more weight. So you may need a lot more bras in rotation than someone with smaller boobs.
But as a petite woman with smaller breasts, you can get away with owning only a few bras. But you also have more freedom in the type of bras you can wear. Many bra designs can offer you the support and coverage you need. So, you can get as much variety as you want - or can afford.
Your bra “needs” majorly depend on how you live your life. Before you go out and shop, take time to think about what day-to-day looks like. It will help you determine how many of a particular bra style you need.
If you’re someone who is constantly on the move, you’ll need several everyday bras that are full support bras. If you like working out regularly, you’ll need more than a few sports bras in rotation, given all the sweating. If you attend a lot of events or fancy occasions, then you might want to increase the number of specialty bras in your collection.
Your clothes also dictate how many types of bras you should own. Let’s say you own a strapless dress, you’ll need a strapless bra to go along with it. Or if your outfits are mainly neutral colors, then you’ll want to have more black, white, or nude bras, as opposed to brighter colors like a hot pink bra - as cute as it may be.
Laundry Frequency
The number of times you wash your bra will affect how fast it wears out and loses its elasticity. Having enough bras in rotation can give each bra some rest in between washes. For example, if you owned seven everyday bras, you’d only have to wash each bra once a week.
Storage Space
It’s easy to get carried away with all the bright colors and beautiful designs when shopping for bras. But before you go crazy adding every bra to your cart, stop to think about where you’re going to store them. Proper storage is just as important to the lifespan of your bras.
Bras can be quite pricey, especially luxury brands. In this case, we say, quality is better than quantity. It’s better to have a few quality bras you know you’ll often wear, than a whole store of bras you won’t even know what to do with.

Are There Any Must-have Bras?
Yes, but this is dictated by the type of breasts you have and your personal preferences. Still, we’ve generalized it into the following categories:
Everyday Bra
As the name suggests, these are bras that you wear every day. They have to be comfortable and fit perfectly. Full-support bras like underwire bras and padded bras are ideal. They provide the extra support your breasts will need throughout the day.
T-shirt bras are also not a bad idea if you want full coverage, adequate support, and comfort. But if you can find a convertible bra with all the above features, you’ll be golden.
Lounging Bra
These are for when you’re relaxing in the house and not moving around as much. For that, you’ll need wire-free bras that offer medium support, like a bralette, a regular t-shirt bra, or even a non-padded wireless sports bra. They prioritize comfort while still offering enough support for your breasts.
Fancy or Specialty Bra
Even if you don’t wear bras every day, you at least wear one on special occasions, right? So you need at least one fancy bra. You may also need special bras depending on your outfits or lifestyle.
For example, owning many strapless dresses means you need a few strapless bras. Sports bras are also essential if you have an active lifestyle. Push-up bras and plunge bras are other common staple special bras, especially if you have a lot of deep neckline outfits.
Asymmetric Bra
Despite the common misconception, asymmetric bras aren’t limited to women who have significant breast asymmetry. Unlike traditional bras, these bras are designed to ensure each of your breasts receives customized support. No more constant adjusting, discomfort, or settling for bras that almost work.
Ultimately, It’s Your Call.
The number of bras you’ll need is as unique as your breast shape and size. But as long as you understand your bra needs, you can easily determine how many bras you need as well as the variety of bra styles.
But the right number of bras won’t matter if they’re not the right fit. That’s why at Symmetrista we’ve come up with a bra that combines customized support, comfort, and style all in one. Our Signature Bra is designed to offer a custom fit for each breast, regardless of how big or small the cup size difference is.
Take the guesswork out of bra shopping and create a collection that fits your body and your life. Discover your Signature fit today!