Why Are My Breasts Uneven?

Why Are My Breasts Uneven?

Although no two breasts are naturally identical, when the differences are significant and noticeable, it’s only natural for your confidence to take a hit. You may feel self-conscious and uncomfortable in your body. It’s even more concerning when the changes happen drastically. 

Right now, your mind may be flooded with questions like: Why is this happening, should you be worried, and how can you fix it?

The good news? You’re not alone! Many women like you struggle with the same questions. We’ll help you understand the changes you’re seeing by addressing the biggest concerns regarding uneven breasts. 

Put your mind at ease and confidently embrace the uniqueness of your body!

What does it mean when your breasts are asymmetrical?

 As you may know, breast asymmetry is a medical term used to refer to uneven breasts, which simply means the difference between one breast and the other. This difference doesn’t just have to be an uneven breast size alone. 

Asymmetrical breasts can manifest in various ways including, uneven breast shape, breast position, or breast projection (how far your breasts stick out from your chest). Even noticeable differences in the nipple placement, color, size, and shape can be considered part of breast asymmetry.

Regardless of the type of breast asymmetry, the truth is the two sides of our bodies are slightly different, and the difference is usually noticeable in the breasts. Many women experience this asymmetry in varying degrees and at different stages in their lives. So, it’s normal and common to have uneven breasts

To learn more about your body asymmetry and how it affects your breasts, read our detailed article: Understanding an Asymmetrical Body: Everything You Need to Know

Why Are Your Breasts Uneven?

Now that you know you’re not the only woman facing this challenge, let’s tackle the big question bothering you - why does it happen? Breast asymmetry can be caused by many factors. Some of the common causes are as follows:

1. Drastic Weight Fluctuations

Your body weight has a significant impact on the fat distribution of your breast tissue. So, drastic weight fluctuations could have a noticeable impact on your breast size and shape. For example, rapid and significant weight gain could cause an uneven increase in your breast size, leading to asymmetrical breasts. 

2. Puberty 

As your breasts start developing in your teen years, one breast may grow quicker than the other, causing unevenness. Breast asymmetry during adolescence is likely to even out once your body stops developing, especially if it is due to hormonal changes. However, some women have reported maintaining the breast asymmetry they developed during puberty. 

3. Menopause 

Breast asymmetry during menopause can occur due to the hormonal changes you undergo during this period, such as the decrease in estrogen. It could also result from aging since, as you grow older, your breast tissue becomes less dense. This could happen at varying degrees for each breast. 

4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding 

In preparation for the lactating period, the hormonal changes in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers cause changes in the breast that end up affecting its size and shape. These changes may impact each breast differently leading to uneven breasts. 

5. Hormonal Imbalance 

Aside from puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, there are other situations where you may experience hormonal changes that could lead to breast asymmetry. For example, during your menstrual cycle, you may notice one or both of your breasts getting bigger due to the increase in estrogen. Taking a hormonal contraceptive or undergoing hormonal replacement therapy could make each breast bigger at varying degrees. 

6. Medical conditions

Several medical conditions could lead to breast asymmetry. The most common ones include:

  • Juvenile Hypertrophy - a rare condition where one breast grows significantly larger than the other. Normally, you are born with Juvenile Hypertrophy, but it starts with rapid breast growth during the first few months of puberty and continues slowly into adulthood.
  • Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia -  this is a condition that causes an abnormal amount of irregularly shaped breast tissue cells to line the milk ducts, leading to excessive growth and distorted shape in one or both breasts.
  • Scoliosis - a condition that causes an abnormal curvature of the spine leading to uneven breasts by widening one side of the rib cage.
  • Hypoplastic breasts - these are underdeveloped or small breasts that could be caused by several upper body conditions or chest wall deformities. Some hypoplastic breasts are caused by congenital conditions like Poland Syndrome (underdeveloped chest wall muscles) or Funnel Chest.
  • Tubular Breasts - irregularly shaped breasts that result from a congenital condition that affects the normal development of breast tissues during puberty.

Find out more about why and how asymmetric breasts occur by reading Breast Asymmetry: Causes and Symptoms Explained. 

When Should You Worry if One Breast is Bigger Than the Other?

Although uneven breasts are not a major concern, most women are worried that it could be a sign of serious conditions like breast cancer. However, there is no conclusive study that proves breast asymmetry is a direct cause of breast cancer.

Even so, some smaller studies have associated breast asymmetry with increased breast cancer risk. For example, developing asymmetry is usually a cause for concern and has been linked to the risk of breast cancer. 

So, to be on the safe side, you should consult with a healthcare provider if and when you notice these changes:

  • New lump in or around your breasts or under the arm
  • Discolored or red skin around the breast
  • Scaley or persistently itchy skin around the breast
  • Nipple discharge
  • Inverted nipple/nipples (especially if you weren’t born with it)
  • Drastic change in breast size and/or shape 

Also, ensure you go for regular mammograms so you can detect and treat breast cancer early enough. This is especially important for women who naturally have denser breast tissue or a family history of breast cancer and breast asymmetry

How Can Surgery Fix Uneven Breasts?

In today’s modern age of medicine, there are several cosmetic surgery options available to address breast asymmetry. Cosmetic surgery can be used to correct uneven breast shape, size, position, and projection. There are also breast procedures that can correct irregularities in the size, shape, and placement of your nipples. 

So, if you opt for the surgical route, the following are three common surgical procedures that can correct uneven breasts:

Breast Reduction

To correct uneven breasts, breast reduction surgery involves removing the excess breast tissue, fat, and skin from the bigger breast. Reducing the breast size is an especially great solution for women with larger breasts. Aside from evening out the breasts it can be used to alleviate the discomfort or back pain that comes with having big breasts.

Breast Augmentation

This procedure involves increasing the size of your breasts. It can be used to enlarge the smaller breast to match the size of the larger breast. Breast augmentation surgery can be done using a breast implant or fat grafting. 

With implants, you have the option of saline or silicone implants. Most women prefer silicone implants for their natural feel but consult with your plastic surgeon to figure out which is the best pick for you. Fat grafting on the other hand involves taking fat from other parts of your body, purifying it, and injected into the breast to achieve breast symmetry. 

Breast Lift

A breast lift is a great choice if you want to improve your breast appearance, especially for saggy, uneven breasts. Breast lift surgery involves tightening the skin around your uneven breast by removing the excess skin around it. This gives your breasts a perkier appearance and overall improved breast symmetry. Your plastic surgeon may recommend a breast lift and breast augmentation if your breasts show significant differences in both size and volume. 

Is it Normal to Have Uneven Breasts After Breast Reduction?

Although it beats the point of undergoing the procedure, uneven breasts are a possible side effect of breast reduction surgery. In such a case, breast asymmetry occurs when more breast tissue than necessary is taken from the larger breast. 

It is also possible to develop unequal breasts after a breast augmentation procedure. It could happen for various reasons, such as implant rupturing or a difference in the skin elasticity of each breast.

However, in most cases, such errors are likely to occur because of the level of skill and experience of the plastic surgeon. If you choose to correct breast asymmetry using a procedure like breast augmentation, do your research to find a board-certified plastic surgeon with a proven track record. 

Can You Fix Your Uneven Breasts Without Surgery?

 While surgery is a more permanent solution to breast asymmetry, there are several other ways to fix uneven breasts. You can use exercise, for example, to fix minor breast asymmetry or enhance symmetry. To get more details on the different ways of fixing uneven breasts, read our detailed guide: How to Fix Uneven Breasts.

Our most recommended solution, however, is investing in the right bra support. Wearing an asymmetric bra not only offers customized support for both breasts but also creates a symmetric appearance. To achieve this desired outcome, you need to get accurate measurements for each breast. 

For guidance on how to measure the correct cup size, consult our free size calculator and guide for you to easily measure your breast size from home. In case you get stuck or need extra help, our support team is only an email away!

It’s More Common Than You Think!

You’ll be happy to know many women have uneven breasts to varying degrees. So, you shouldn’t be too concerned unless you notice one of the worrying signs we mentioned in this article.

And although significantly uneven boobs can hurt your body image and self-confidence, surgery doesn’t have to be the only solution. Try wearing a well-fitted asymmetric bra and you won’t believe all the difference it makes. 

The Symmetrista Signature Bra is made using the finest material and tailored to offer superior support and comfort through a custom bust fit. Our bra not only masks asymmetry but also offers an evenly pleasing silhouette. Shop from our collection today to regain your confidence and feel empowered!

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